Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I'm down to 286 pounds with this morning's D.B.A.N. I'm back in the groove with the low carbs so my goal by Christmas is to reach 280. That may be tough, but I think it's possible to achieve. My right foot is still giving me some problems with what is probably some tendonitis, but I'm making myself walk at least a mile a day even with the pain. I have to push through it, cause thong season is rapidly approaching.

I probably shouldn't admit this, because I'm sure my wife will be horrified, but I've been doing my own version of fatboy aerobics in the basement at night after everyone else is asleep. I just put on some crappy music and then start moving around. I highstep, lunge, stretch, dance, do squats, or anything else in sort of a freestyle movement exercise. I basically just want to work up a sweat for about 10 minutes, then cool down and go to bed. I've only been doing it for about a week, but I already feel more limber. I've also started doing a few crunch type movements to work on my abs, but since ab work is the the part of exercising that I absolutely despise I'm working myself up slowly for that. For me there's nothing worse than sore abs. Ugh. I know, I know, that just means I need to do more of them. Back off Heff!

After a visit to the OB/GYN yesterday, Marissa is scheduled to be induced on Dec. 28th, so that's the day I get to see my boy for the first time. We thought she might deliver on her own earlier than that, but there was no further dilation from last week. I was hoping we would do it on the 27th since that was my Granddaddy's birthday, but the doctor is off on Tuesdays and didn't want to do it that day.

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