Thursday, April 13, 2006

Maundy Thursday

Blogging has been slow in April. I know my legions of loyal readers are growing restless so I thought I'd catch everyone up on what's going on in Hatcherland.

Jackson is doing great. He's really turned into a cheese factory. We call him that because he smiles so much and is such a happy baby. He's really gotten into grabbing things lately and instead of just trying to suck on his thumb he tries to suck his whole fist into his mouth, along with loud smacking noises for the full effect.

Victoria is turning into a teenager, along with all the angst and confusion that goes along with that. She smarted off to a teacher a few weeks ago and I had to wake up early this morning to take her to detention at school at 6:45 am. Bleh. It was too early even for her.

Marissa is doing great and is being a great mother. She and the baby both had thrush last week but other than that both are pretty healthy.

Anyway, this weekend is Easter of course. We'll go over to Marissa's Dad's house on Sunday for lunch and an Easter egg hunt. Then we'll have dinner with her mother and some other family members. My mom is coming up this weekend as well, so Jackson should get his fill of grandparents.

I'm leading my first cave trip down to Jackson County, Alabama early on Saturday morning. We're going to Tumbling Rock cave and anyone is welcome to join in. Look for a trip report in a few days.

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