Monday, November 01, 2004

Happy Birthday!

I want to wish a Happy Birthday to my lovely wife Marissa! She's celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of her 29th birthday today. Love you baby!

Just so I don't get an angry and tearful email, I also want to send out a birthday fart to my friend Heff, who is also celebrating another year of wasted life by turning 37 today. I'm only thankful that if either of us actually makes it to 40, Heff will go first.

Yesterday our friend Mok would have turned 37 as well, but he didn't.


Heff said...

Your wife can't have my birthday. I had it first. I'm seeking legal representation. As far as the "angry and tearful" email, consider this it. The only one mentioned in this post with a wasted life, is Mauk.

Heff said...

Wow. It's cold and lonely over here...OK, EVERYONE'S INVITED OVER TO FOR FREE BEER AND STEAKS !